Medicare Supplement Insurance Plans
Health Insurance designed to cover your out-of-pocket costs, not included in Medicare

Medicare Advantage Election Periods
Time periods when Medicare beneficiaries may enroll or make changes to their plan
Our Medicare Supplement plans cover expenses that Medicare doesn't, such as:
Cost-sharing for outpatient hospital services

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Basic Benefits
Hospitalization: Medicare Part A coinsurance plus coverage for 365 additional days after Medicare benefits end.
Medical Expenses: Medicare Part B coinsurance (generally 20% of Medicare approved expenses)or copayments for hospital outpatient services. Plan N requires insureds to pay a portion of the Part B coinsurance or copayment.
Blood: First 3 pints of blood each year.
Hospice: Part A coinsurance for eligible hospice/respite care expenses. See outline of coverage for details and exceptions.
As a Medicare beneficiary, the most important annual decision can be selecting the right prescription drug plan.
The Medicare Annual Enrollment Period or AEP is an opportunity for you to switch or upgrade your Medicare Advantage Part D plan.
This process might seem overwhelming or intimidating, but we’re here to help by finding the plan that includes your prescription medications at the lowest available insurance cost and pharmacy copayments.
Important notice for persons enrolling during Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment
Guaranteed acceptance
No waiting periods
Your acceptance for a Medicare Supplement policy is guaranteed with no waiting periods, regardless of pre-existing conditions when purchased during the six-month open enrollment period.
It’s important to understand Your Medicare Coverage When Traveling abroad!
Medicare (Part A and Part B), have coverage anywhere in the U.S. and its territories. However, some Medicare Advantage plans will only cover care inside your service area with limited coverage high deductible copayment or coinsurance cost and No Coverage in certain countries.
out of your service area.
You’ll want to make sure you understand what your Travel Health Insurance and Medicare plan covers before you travel anywhere.
Learn about your Travel, Health Insurance and Medicare coverage options when traveling with HamiltonHudson Plan During AEP with SelectQuote.
Whether it’s specific benefits or reducing out-of-pocket costs for prescriptions, we can help you better understand your Medicare plan options. for persons enrolling during Medicare Supplement Open Enrollment
Guaranteed acceptance
No waiting periods